Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's a new year, 2013 has arrived and I'm thrilled to embrace everything it has to offer!

For me, this is the year of awesomeness... it's a year to shine and challenge myself beyond any other.  I am a finely tuned runner now.  I've worked out a lot of bugs and tweaks that I faced last year.  I have made my running resolutions and I am ready work even harder to achieve my set goals and hopefully score some new personal bests along the way.


1.  Stretch more ... waaaayyyyy more!!
2.  Get my rest.  Runners need at least 8 hours.
3.  Hydrate.  I am really, really bad with this.
4.  Run more, run longer.  I hope to log 2000 kilometres this year ("hope" being the key word here).
5.  Stay injury free.  This probably being the most critical because without this I won't have to worry
     about the others.

As for updates... I found out in mid-December that my NWM random lottery entry was not selected.  Yes, I was sad.  So, I will not be going to Washington, DC for the half that I was dreaming about... There is always San Francisco, if not, maybe next year.

I treated myself to a new Garmin this Christmas.  Picked up the 610 for a really great price on Boxing Day.  Normally, the watch runs about $400 Canadian so when I saw it on sale for $299, I jumped on it!

I've ran with it three times now and absolutely love it so far.  I need to log a few more runs to know for sure.  Time will tell, but I haven't found fault with it yet.  Stay tuned for more posts on my Garmin 610...

My first race of 2013 is fast approaching.  February 16th I will run the half marathon in Myrtle Beach.  I'm in week 3 of training and I feel good.

I've signed up for my favourite 10K coming up in May and really looking forward to that as well.  The SL10K attracts about 22,000 runners.  I call it "organized chaos", but it's a really fun run right down the busiest street in Toronto, which is closed for us runners all morning.  The run raises money for Camp Ooch, a camp for kids with cancer.  It's a cause I believe worth running for!!!

More to come on upcoming races as soon as I sort out my schedule.  The holidays were crazy busy but now is the time to focus.  I'm excited for what's to come.  I'm excited for my 2013!!!